Piecing together the secrets of nature from an engineer's perspective results in very simple theory of everything called Ethereal Mechanics.
Faster-than-Light starships (1000x) and plentiful clean energy are the ultimate outcome.
Home of Ethereal Mechanics, New Electromagnetism, Vortrix Algebra and the Rules of Acquisition
Long Term Human Survival requires us to break the light barrier by a factor of 500 or more.
A Theory of Everything based on a dynamic Ethereal medium (Ether). The Ether is both the medium for electromagnetic phenomenon as well as gravity. The Dynamic Ether model replaces both the static "Luminiferous Aether" model (disproved over 100 years ago) and the "Fabric of Space Time" model which can't explain inertia. Inertia is the acceleration of an object relative to the medium. The force of inertia is electromagnetic induction. A gravitational field is the acceleration of the medium toward a massive body. Objects in the field are drawn to the massive body through the inertia mechanism described above. Ether (the Medium) accelerates toward matter because it is consumed by matter. Ether (the medium) is the fuel that powers the existence of matter.
NEV5 is comprised of three Vector (Vortrix) force models. The Electric Force, the Magnetic Force and the Inertial Force. These are sometimes refereed to as fields which is a misnomer because all of these force models are derived from the Pretonic field (see Electrogravity). The Electric force model resembles Coulomb's "Law" when charges are stationary. The Inertial force model is identical to New Induction (see New Electromagnetism V3). The Magnetic Force model is completely new
Vortrix Algebra (VA) supersedes legacy vector algebra (LVA). VA provides a more complete vector multiply which allows for a deterministic vector divide (LVA does not have a divide). This is the only body of mathematics that properly reconciles that vector products result in matrices thus providing the only non-imaginary solution to sqrt(-1) (the GA solution is shown to be gibberish). VA is the unification of all mathematics and is a suitable replacement for vector algebra, quaternions, GA, complex algebra and basic arithmetic (VA in 1 dimension).
Scientific reasoning and logic is improperly taught to scientist and engineers (if at all). Most falsely believe that if experimental results agree with a theory, that the theory must be true and irrefutable. It is this kind of wrong thinking that stagnates scientific progress. The Rules of Acquisition will blow your mind at how much the scientific method is still hamstrung by arcane and tribal thinking.
Discussion of a broad range of topics from the subtle flaws of General Relativity to the insane clown world that is Quantum Mechanics.
The Electromagnetic Simulation Software based on NEV5 and Vortrix Algebra.
The long term sustainability of the Human race requires that we break the light barrier by at least a factor of 500. All other courses of action including UN Sustainable development goals (Agenda 21) will only delay the inevitable extinction of the Human race.
See the T1 video Trailer -- T1: Break the Light Barrier or perish
more to come later.
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The belief, that a model or theory must be true otherwise someone would have said something by now, is the reason why no one will say anything ever. There is no "statute of limitation" after which counter examples can no longer be brought forward and the "someone else" implies the existence of some smarter monkey who is responsible for these things that everyone defers judgment to when in fact there is no ruling body of science who is responsible for deciding what we all think.
The Smarter Monkey Fallacy -- The Rules of Acquisition
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptate, illo, libero esse assumenda culpa consequatur exercitationem beatae odio praesentium nihil iste ipsum reiciendis pariatur. Recusandae, reiciendis quidem eaque aut ab.
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